Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So I guess it's Official...(originally posted 08-12-08)

We got the memo today. Last day of work is August 29 for most employees. A "small team" will stay to help with the transfer of ownership. It hasn't been announced who the team consists of, but I can confidently say I'm not on it. They'll need people in accounting and maybe some warehouse staff. I'm the purchasing manager. We're not making any more product after the 22nd, so my services won't be needed. Hmm, another unexpected change, since originally we were told our last day would be Aug 22. But I'm okay. I mean hey, it's an extra week's salary, right? But it's not just that. I'm learning to accept what happens because God is in control. It's a weight that's been lifted off my shoulders and put onto His. I'm confident everything will be alright.

"Be glad and rejoice, for the Lord has done marvelous things!"
- Joel 2:21

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