Monday, October 13, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook - Oct 13, 2008

To join in the fun, see Peggy at
For Today...
Outside my Window...The sun is finally out. Daylight Savings time doesn't start till November 2, and it's not a moment too soon. I hate that the sun doesn't rise till 7:30am.
I am thinking...about family, friends, all the people that love me. I love them too!
From the learning rooms...E has a project to work on this week. He has to make up a campaign poster, if he was running for president. Need a slogan of some sort.
I am thankful much that I've had to start posting about it. Can't fit that many blessings on just this meme!
From the kitchen...trying a new recipe today, scalloped chicken & pasta. My son R found it and asked me to try it out. Let's see what the family thinks...
I am wearing...a dark green striped v-neck top, light blue denim capris and flip flops.
I am reading...finished Matthew and Acts, started Romans.
I am get alot of stuff done today.
I am creating...this blog post.
I am hearing...the hum of the computer and my son's breathing. He's still asleep.
Around the house...bathrooms. Got most everything else done, including painting the boys room. Will get pics of that posted this week.
One of my favorite fall. I've started decorating but I need my son to get a box down from the attic (which he dreads) so I can add more stuff. Just think: next month Thanksgiving, then Christmas. It really is the most wonderful time of the year!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...still don't have the bathroom quote. Gotta get that done this week. Small groups tomorrow. Other than that, it's shaping up to be a quiet week (famous last words!!)
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...I don't have them now but should have them later in the week, which is the boys room. Look out for that!
Have a blessed week.


  1. I love fall too. I put up some fall decor too! :)

  2. Our pastor has been teaching in Romans. It's one of my favorites.
