Monday, October 27, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook - Oct 27, 2008

To join in the fun, see Peggy at

For Today...

Outside my Window...there is a nip in the air. It's actually beginning to feel like fall! It was 69 degrees this morning and is supposed to get down to the 50's tonight. It rained quite a bit since last Thursday but there's no humidity in the air now.

I am thinking...what a great message about godliness at church yesterday. I think I'll post about it this week.

From the learning son E is turning in his campaign poster today. It turned out really cute.

I am thankful daughter coming down from college this weekend! I've missed her so much. It was so nice to spend some time with her. Of course saying goodbye was painful, but I'm thankful for the time we had.

From the kitchen...easy chicken & stuffing in the crock pot.

I am wearing...a long sleeved gray top, capri jeans and flip flops. I know, long sleeves & flip flops seem contradictory, but this is South Florida.

I am reading...Luke and Galatians, and still haven't finished The Purpose Driven Life.

I am hoping...the weather continues to be as nice as it is today.

I am creating...a costume for Awana this week. E has to dress up as a biblical character. Still working on it though.

I am son. He's quite the chatterbox this morning.

Around the house...most everything is done, though I have bathrooms and light cleaning. Maybe I'll get to the closets today.

One of my favorite opening up the windows on cool days and airing out the house. The air conditioner is a great thing, but nothing beats fresh air.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...small groups tomorrow, and I'd like to get to the polls this week, though the lines to vote have been atrocious.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...Happy Halloween!

Have a blessed week.


  1. Mmm... the chicken and stuffing in the crockpot sounds good! Maybe you could share the recipe sometime? lol...

    I wish all we had was a "nip" - the wind chill was 20° this morning when I got up! I am not looking forward to the cold weather...

    Hope you have a great week!

  2. Hahaha, that cartoon is hilarious! (Btw, I have another Betta cartoon on The Precious Mind.. I added a link to the entry.)

    Would you believe I was sort of goth/punk in my teen years.. of course, I didnt dress like that when I was at home or at church, but.. well,.. yanno. There's really no excuse. I definitely look back and think, "WHY DID I THINK THAT WAS COOL? Its SOOO UGLY!"

  3. 69 degrees?!?!?! That's almost summertime! :)

  4. I used to do this all the time. I miss it, I'm going to have to start again.

    Thanks for all your supportive comments lately!
