Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Boy's Room

My sister called me on this one. I'd totally forgotten about posting the pictures of my boy's room. I painted it a couple of months ago and they both love the color, though my oldest son had trouble deciding what he wanted and ultimately his little brother chose the color. I'm satisfied that the room looks cleaner.

The room, previous to it's new paint color, was a sunshiny yellow. My son R had a strong opinion about this color: he "abhorred" it. That's the word he used. Strong, don't you think?

This is the opposite wall. I liked the fact that, since the bedroom furniture is maple with blue accents, and yellow is on the opposite side of the color wheel, it coordinated nicely. Unfortunately none of my boys agreed.

I began painting the room in what I call a charcoal blue. It's similar to the blue on the furniture but with a grey undertone. I would say it's a very masculine color. What I like most is how it looks against the white baseboards and maple floors.
By the end of the day we were done. E came from school and insisted on helping paint his room, and he did pretty well. It was late by the time we were done, so I only took one picture. By then I didn't want to be in that room anymore. It did turn out nice I have to admit, even though I'm not fond of blue (at least for decorating). The boys love it, and that's all that matters.

1 comment:

  1. I like the color you did the boys room. Much better than what they had before, even if you don't think so. Want to see a better picture? Check our your home address on google maps.com If you view it on street level, you'll see your house .. and your hubby!!! It's hilarious!! And the package was sent out today. Let me know when you get it.
