Monday, December 1, 2008

My Short List of Thankfulness

I haven't logged on to the internet in what seems like forever, but that doesn't mean I'm not thankful for oh so many things. Here's my short list of thankfulness, 4 days after Thanksgiving but still just as relevant:

1 - I'm thankful for Jesus. He died on the cross for me, and because I've accepted His sacrifice I'm forgiven. I can't think of anything to be more thankful for.

2 - I'm thankful my family was together for Thanksgiving. My daughter came down from college and we spent from Wednesday night till Sunday afternoon with her at home. Since she left for college the house seems incomplete. This weekend it felt just right.

3 - I'm thankful for our financial situation. Despite the fact that I'm not working, my son isn't working and we're living on one income, all our bills are getting paid. There hasn't been a moment when we've had to worry about paying the mortgage, electric bill, food, or anything. God has made sure we have enough to live on, and then some. He has shown me that I'm never alone.

4 - I'm thankful for my church. What a great pastor we have, what great teachings each week, what wonderful friends. It's my home away from home.

5 - I'm thankful for children's ministry. It gives me the opportunity to serve, and watch these young lives transformed as they become friends with Jesus. This to me is the most important of all ministries (after my own family, of course).
6 - I'm thankful for my family, those close by and those far away. No matter where you are, I love you all.
7 - I'm thankful for my friends. Church friends, ex co-workers, cyber friends, all my friends. All of you enrich my life.

8 - I'm thankful that my Christmas shopping is DONE!!! Now I can concentrate on the true reason for the season and not on when the mall will be at its emptiest.

9 - I'm thankful that my home is almost completely decorated. There are still some items that need to come down from the attic but I should be done today. It looks so pretty!

10 - I'm thankful the elections are over. No more political commercials or phone calls! Well, at least till next year.

There's still so much more to be thankful for. We are so tremendously blessed. We have faith, freedom to read God's word, a home to live in filled with more than anyone could ever need. May we never forget to be thankful, and never take anything for granted. Thank you Lord Jesus, for all that I am and all that I have.

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