Monday, December 22, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook - Dec 21, 2008

FOR TODAY December 21, 2008...
Outside my window...bright & sunny. We're supposed to be getting a cold front in today, but that'll only bring the temps to the 50's in the morning and 70's in the afternoon. Nope, no white Christmas in South Florida.
I am thinking...I hope my hubby's gift gets here this week. I ordered late, and it already shipped, but there's a chance it won't get here by Wednesday.
I am thankful for...Jesus coming to earth as a baby to die for my sins. My family being together for Christmas. My daughter doing an amazing worship session at her youth group.
From the learning rooms...E got some homework packets that we'll be working on.
From the kitchen...meat patties - my kid's favorites.
I am wearing...I'm still in my nightdress - shame on me! I'll be changing into capris and tank top soon.
I am creating...plans for Christmas day.
I am enjoy this week as much as possible.
I am reading...Genesis for my morning devotions, and hopefully I'll get some books I asked for for Christmas so I can have more stuff to read.
I am hoping...that people everywhere will celebrate the birth of our Savior. Christmas isn't about the presents under the tree; it's about the present that hung on a tree.
I am hearing...the TV in the family room and the boys talking. There's a 13 year difference between these brothers, but they love each other so much. Daughter's still sleeping.
Around the house...plenty of cleaning to do today, but I'm going to take it one step at a time.
One of my favorite Christmas of course!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: hispanics celebrate December 24th in a big way. We'll be going to my m-i-l's house for dinner and then open some presents at midnight. Christmas day we'll spend together as a family here at home. Saturday is A and E's birthday - she and her little brother were born exactly 10 years apart!
Here is picture thought I am sharing...I'll save the picture spot for later in the week when we're opening presents.
Merry Christmas to everyone. May you all enjoy this season, remembering the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It's the real reason for the season!!
To join in the fun, visit Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook.

1 comment:

  1. Even though you are having much warmer weather than we are and everything is icy, at least it LOOKS like Christmas here. :)
