Friday, June 12, 2009

The Honest Scrap Award

I'm honored to have received this coveted Honest Scrap award from Kristilea over at In The Lord's Path. The idea is to learn things about our fellow bloggers that we might not know, and also admit things about ourselves (in all honesty, of course) that we don't admit on a daily basis. So here is my list of 10 honest things about me that you may not know just from reading my blog:

1. I never went to college.

2. I was born in the Bronx, in New York City, to Puerto Rican parents. I lived there for 22 years and have lived in Florida for 23. I think that makes me more Southerner than Northerner, but most Southerners would disagree ;-) .

3. My childen say I'm OCD about cleanliness. I just like to have everything clean and organized. Is that too much to ask?!

4. If I could do it again, I'd have another child shortly after my youngest son was born. He was my third c-section and I didn't want to go through that again, so I had my tubes tied. I figured he had 2 older siblings so he would be spoiled rotten and happy. What I didn't take into account was that, with a sister 10 years older and a brother 13 years older, they'd outgrow childhood while he would still be little. Now that he's 9, his sister is 19 and his brother is 22, I can see how he would benefit from a younger sibling to play with.

5. I don't have alot of friends. I'm an introvert, and making friends is hard for me. However, the friends I do have are worth their weight in gold, so I don't feel cheated.

6. I am deathly afraid of mice. Even seeing a picture of one sends chills up and down my spine (not good ones either). I haven't been able to watch Ratatouille for this reason.

7. My hair used to be jet black. Then white "highlights" started to grow in. Now I dye my hair auburn.

8. While I love having a clean house, I hate having to clean bathrooms. Yuck!

9. I accepted Christ 6 years ago. I made many many mistakes in my life previous to that. Many of the things I write about are things God has been revealing to me for the past few years. I understand now how the Holy Spirit can do a complete transformation in a person. He's surely done that in my case, though I can tell you He's not finished with me yet.

10. Of all the careers I could have opted for, I'm glad I chose motherhood.

I now have the privilege of passing this award to:

Thanks again Kristilea. That was lots of fun!


  1. I LOVED your answers, that was great! I was saved 10 years ago, and I can't believe the transformation the Holy Spirit has done in me sometimes. If it were not for God's protection, I surely should have died before I got saved. I am so thankful for God's mercy.

  2. I really enjoyed this post! I too loathe mice.

    I was saved three years ago and have been enjoying the richness of His grace ever since.
