Saturday, January 2, 2010

Observing My Senses

For Today, January 2, 2010...

I am seeing...sunshine on a "cold" day. Cold for South Florida, anyway. It's 50 degrees outside, and windy.

I am feeling...the chill from a winter day. Not too cold, not hot. Very nice weather.

I am tasting...Italian cookies my niece made. Yummy with my morning coffee.

I am son cough. He's got a bit of a cold.

I am smelling...clean air. When the weather is like this, the air smells crisp and wonderful.

It takes just a moment to stop and observe what's going on around you. Won't you join me?

1 comment:

  1. We all got the cold bug as well. I hope E feels better soon! We've had some beautiful days here lately. It's getting cold at night, but really warming up in the day. I had my kitchen window cracked open yesterday and the breeze I felt as I was washing dishes was so wonderful...not to cold, not to warm. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
