Saturday, May 29, 2010

It's Picture Time!

Just wanted to share some pics so you can see what's going on around the homestead. One very exciting new development: mangos!!! We've had our mango tree for a few years, but only had it give mangos the 2nd year which our dog knocked down trying to catch lizards. Hubby was considering chopping it down, figuring it was either dead or too weak to give any fruit. Then this year, we were pleasantly surprised to find a few mangos growing! Hubby thinks the palm trees around it gave too much shade and that's why the tree was fruitless. The palm trees are taller now and don't shade the mango tree much, so hopefully we can enjoy a few (very few!) mangos from our garden this year.

The two above were the first I spotted. I got so excited!

Another sweet, yummy, delicious specimen!

The fourth and biggest. There were actually about 6 mangos that my husband J found, but a couple fell off :(. Still, it's more than we got last year (a total of zero) so we're still very thankful for this blessing of fruit.

Ah yes, and remember the empty planter?

I added some soil and impatiens, and for less than $7.00 we now have a lovely focal point in the backyard. Still need to get the tiles scrubbed and cleaned, but we've had rain everyday for the past few days so cleanup would've been useless. Hopefully this coming week I can get that backyard to look even more inviting!

Have a safe and honoring Memorial Day weekend. Remember those who gave their lives for our freedom!

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful! The padio looks great! Those impatiens are going to look sooo nice as they fill in, as they already look pretty!

    I'm glad you are getting some fruit from your tree this year! I have one child that loves mangos, but the others, not so much. Maybe if I keep reintroducing them to it, they'll one day pick up a taste for it.
