Saturday, May 22, 2010

Observing My Senses

For Today, May 22, 2010...

I am seeing...the sun shining through the kitchen window.

I am hearing...the whirr of the ceiling fan, the coffee maker, and my oldest son watching a video on youtube.

I am feeling...enough energy to start getting things done around the house. First up: laundry.

I am own egg mcmuffin concoction. High fiber english muffin, scrambled egg, half a slice of cheddar and one piece of bacon. Better tasting than anything McD's has ever served up, and cheaper too.

I am smelling...bacon. There's a piece right next to me, tempting me, but I won't give in. Breakfast is done, and I've got things to do.

It just takes a moment to observe your surroundings. Won't you join me?

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful!

    I am seeing...the clouds smother the sun today.

    I am hearing...the kids and hubby laughing. Someone's getting tickled!

    I am sore! My workouts are catching up to me!

    I am tasting...Fiber One yougurt! Strawberry.

    I am smelling...the new airfreshner I put in the kitchen. I love it!

    Have a wonderful weekend Arlene!
