Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
- Proverbs 16:6

This past week I've met with and/or talked to a few of the people I used to work with. We've been out of work anywhere between 1-1/2 to 2 years (some were laid off as early as April 2008, others not till December of that year). I'm amazed at some of the stories they tell me.

One of my co-workers got a job at a local hospital, something she'd dreamed of for years because they have great benefits and a retirement plan. Yet she spoke to me with fear and concern; 15 people were laid off in the offices, she's already had a 3% pay cut, and they're discussing another 20% pay cut in the future. They've also cut her hours, so that she's making less money now than when she started working there. She told me if there's another pay cut she might have to start looking for another job, as she can't afford to live on less than she makes now. Problem is, there isn't much work out there and she knows it.

Another co-worker, a 62 year old woman who did the cleaning in the offices, recently began working at a factory from 5:00pm till midnight. She has no choice - unemployment benefits finished, and while she can retire now her social security benefits wouldn't be enough to pay her bills.

Still another co-worker has been working for a large corporation for a year, but as a temporary employee with no benefits. Her worry? They've just put in a new computer system that has cut the workload by over 50%. She doesn't think they'll be needing her much longer.

My heart breaks as I listen to these women, all in their 50's or 60's, struggling to find work so they can pay their bills. Even the ones that have spouses can't manage on just one salary because of their expenses. I realize how blessed our situation is, and I'm so thankful. I've been out of work now for 1 year 9 months, and not once in that time have we gone to bed hungry or had a bill not get paid. God has provided above and beyond our needs. He has given us so much, and has taught me so much about contentment and trusting in Him. Any other time in my life I would have been sick with worry over our financial situation, yet once I gave this area of our life to Him I've seen time and again His hand of protection and provision over us. I am so thankful for God's promise:

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." - Matthew 6:33-34.

This month, Thankful Thursdays is hosted by Laurie at Women Taking a Stand. God bless.


  1. That's just wonderful Arlene! I'm so thankful for God's provision for you and your family as well. I'm so happy to know that what you were able to tell them about what you have done since losing your job, is a much brighter story!
