Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

Thankful Thursdays is hosted by Iris at Grace Alone this month.

I'm thankful today because my daughter is coming home again for the weekend. Typically she doesn't come home two weekends in a row, but this week she's here again for a special reason.


Our church is hosting a concert this Saturday and my daughter's best friend JB is handling all the details. JB will be graduating from college in the spring, and she's interested in doing this type of work in the future. It's been alot of work for her but I think the experience will be good. We're praying everything will run smoothly and we'll have an awesome night of worship, testimonies and fellowship. I'm soooo looking forward to this concert! Especially because I'll be there with my little girl.

Have a blessed rest of your week everyone!

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