Saturday, October 30, 2010

Observing My Senses

For Today, October 30, 2010...

I am seeing...another beautiful but waaaay too hot South Florida day. It's supposed to start cooling off tomorrow. I hope so.

I am feeling...God in a special way. He's preparing me for something. I'm not entirely sure what that something is yet, but I feel Him taking me there by the hand, and it's very comforting.

I am son and nephew playing. My nephew stayed over last night. He's 12 years old and my son's best friend. What's more important, he's developing a love for Jesus that truly excites me.

I am tasting...breakfast. Scrambled egg, one slice of bacon, hash browns (I love Simply Potatoes; makes my life so easy!), and coffee. Mmm....

I am boy's room. It's a little stuffy in here, but not too bad. Think I'll open a window.

It just takes a moment to observe your surroundings. Won't you join me?

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