Monday, January 24, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Yes, I just posted that I have a busy day ahead. But these questions are so fun and easy, I just couldn't pass them up! Join me for Meet me on Monday, and let's get to know each other!

1. What is your favorite kind of fudge?
I like white chocolate fudge. So rich and creamy! But just a little: it's packed with fat!

2. Is there snow outside your window?
In South Florida?! LOL! There isn't snow anywhere in Florida! We are the only state that hasn't gotten snow - even Hawaii got some!

3. What is your favorite meal of the day?
I like both breakfast and lunch, but if I had to choose I'd say lunch unless it's a big brunch type of breakfast. Those are great!

4. Do you text on your cell phone?
All the time! How else does anyone communicate with their kids these days?

5. Waffles or pancakes?
Definitely waffles. I love the syrup getting into the squares! They are so light and fluffy too. Unfortunately the rest of my family prefers pancakes, so that's what I make most of the time.
Alright everyone, let's see your answers!


  1. thanks for stopping by my blog.
    i love big brunches. i wish i had the patience to make them instead of hoping for something to come up where we go to a resteraunt for one!

  2. Hello
    Just visiting via MMOM. We eat our pancakes with lemon and sugar. Hope you have a lovely week, feel free to hop over and say hi.
    Helen x

  3. I like waffles with syrup too but am a lover of the pancake with raspberry jam... no syrup on my pcakes.

    Nice to meet you!
