Saturday, June 18, 2011

Five Question Friday

It's Saturday morning, so I think I'll do Five Question Friday today! Hey, I checked yesterday morning and the questions weren't up. So technically it's not my fault if I'm a day late ;). Oh, all right, here we go:

1. What is your favorite summer time activity?
These questions make me chuckle. I know most people live in 4 season climates, but I live in South Florida, so for me summer is just a bit more hot and humid than the rest of the year. It's not a huge change in activities. I guess we spend more time at the park or the pool but only because school's out, not because the weather has improved. If anything, summer is my least favorite season here because it's sweltering hot the entire day. I'm looking forward to the fall.

2. Do you have one laundry soap you stick to, or do you buy whatever's on sale?
Sale. I worked for over 11 years at a cosmetic and suncare manufacturing firm, and I found out that most of these detergents, soaps, make-up, sunscreens, etc. are basically the same exact thing. All that changes is color, fragrance, and in some cases a few "additives" that are put in at such low percentages they barely make a difference. In other words, for effectiveness they're all pretty much the same thing, so I buy what's cheapest. That's what works for me.

3. What is your favorite dinner to make in the summer?
Again with the summertime theme! LOL!! Okay, okay, I'll say barbeque. Which, by the way, is used year round in my part of the country. It's common to see people roasting entire pigs outdoors for Christmas and New Years. That's life in forever summer land.

4. Do you have any talents?
Yes. Everyone does. God gifts us all with certain talents, we just need to figure out what they are. I have found that I have the gift of teaching, especially children. I'm not a school teacher but I've taught Sunday school and I've led a few women's Bible study classes, and it's something I enjoy even though I'm very shy and speaking to large groups (read: 3 or more people at once) makes me break out in a cold sweat. That's how I know it's not just a talent, it's a God-given gift that He uses for His glory.

5. If you could instantly be an expert in something, what would it be? Why?
I would instantly become an interior designer/decorator. It's a passion of mine, to take something that looks "bleh" and turn it into something that looks "ahhh". I've done it in my own home and helped others too, and I just love it! Of course, it's not something I'd call myself an expert on; I realize interior designers study their art and work at it diligently, while I just enjoy looking through magazines and finding pretty things for my home. But it's something I've always loved and would happily do it as a profession.

Look, I know it's a day late, but wouldn't you like to answer some Friday questions even if it is Saturday? C'mon, give it a try! Visit Mama M at My Little Life, and have yourself a blessed weekend.


  1. I just posted mine today (Saturday), too! :)

    You're so right about God giving us all talents... it's just a matter of us figuring them out!

    I couldn't deal with your Florida weather- the humidity and I are not friends. Three months of that here in Ohio is plenty for me!

    I stopped by from Five Question Friday. My answers are posted HERE if you'd like to stop by! :)

  2. Well hello there! Nice to "see" you again! Next week I am TOTALLY going to have to partake in this lil survey thing. :)
