Monday, June 13, 2011

Meet Me on Mondays

Okay, it's been a while, and I said I'd try not to neglect my blog anymore, so here we go with my Meet Me on Mondays post, sponsored by Java at Never Growing Old.

1. What is your favorite yogurt flavor?
Coconut with fresh pineapple. I like frozen yogurt more than the supermarket kind, but either way coconut is the one for me!

2. Ankle or knee socks? and on the same theme, white socks or coloured??
Ankle. I live in South Florida, and socks are rarely used, much less knee socks. I prefer white socks.

3. How is the weather right now?
So H-O-T!!! It must be in the 90's right now, and it's that steamy kind of hot. Even our dog Molly refuses to go out to the yard because it's so hot!

4. Are you a fast typer?
I think so. I used to type at about 55 - 60 wpm. I may be a bit slower since I don't type as often, but I think I'm still pretty quick. Maybe 50 - 55 wpm.

5. Red or White Wine?
Neither. I choose not to drink. It's a personal conviction.


  1. I live in South Florida too, way too hot for socks :)

  2. :) I'm not into wine or most alcoholic drinks. I'm not convicted about drinking, but I dont drink often. Maybe once a year?

    Anywho, great to know some more tidbits about ya! :)
