Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today, June 28, 2011...

Outside my window...looks like it might have rained last night. It's so humid out, even the dog doesn't want to be outdoors.

I am thinking...of my kids, and their impending move.

I am thankful...for God's word. It's comforting to know my God hears my prayers and answers me through Scripture.

I am going...to be doing a lot of cleaning. I did mostly laundry and grocery shopping yesterday. Today, it's floors and bathrooms.

I am wearing...jammies :P. I'll change shortly.

I am praying...for my dear friend who is struggling with fibromyalgia, and my sister who struggles with a multitude of health issues.

I am currently...cooking sauce in the crock pot.

From the learning rooms...E and I are still reading A Dog Called Grk. It's a real interesting and exciting story!

From the kitchen...baked ziti and bread, and later on I'm baking brownies.

I am reading...nothing but my morning devotions. I've been to busy to finish anything else.

On my mind...my car. It needs a new transmission shift solenoid, and throttle position sensor. Don't know what those are gonna cost. The car has been giving me trouble, and right now it sounds like a helicopter taking off. I hope it can get repaired. We need to get my daughter A a car; we can't afford to replace mine too.

Around the house...I'm almost done with laundry, just need to fold the last basket. The floors need cleaning, as do the bathrooms, and the garage needs to be organized.

One of my favorite things...air conditioning!!! If we didn't have a/c right now, it would be stifling in this house.

A few plans for the rest of the week...they're showing Karate Kid for free at the theater so we're gonna see that. Tomorrow evening is our church's picnic; hopefully it'll cool down before then.

Wanna join in the fun? Visit Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook. Have a blessed week.

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