Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday Words of Weight Loss

I enjoyed doing Words of Weight Loss last week, so I'm here again, though a day late. I'm thankful I'm at the weight I need to be, and healthier because of it, but I do know the importance of maintenance. It's one thing to lose the weight; it's a whole other thing to keep it off. So anything that helps me in that respect is great. Take a walk over to Everyday Ruralty and try the journey to health too.

1. What's your favorite food at a BBQ?
I like shish-kabobs with marinated chicken, shrimp, peppers, onions, and pineapple. Or just plain burgers.

2. Do you have any good tips for making recipes healthier?
Reduce the salt. Once I started eating less sodium I found weight loss to be much easier and my body felt lots better.

3. As you know, I'm a chef. If I knocked at your door and told you that I would prepare any dinner you wanted, what would that be?
Something with fish. I love fish, but hate cooking it because of the smell. Mahi-mahi, or tuna steaks, or sea bass...great, now I'm getting hungry!

4. Running or walking?
Walking. I'm not a runner. Never have been. Of course, Molly our dog is a runner. :P

5. What are you reading lately?
I hope to finish It Happens Every Spring today. It's by Catherine Palmer and Gary Chapman (author of the Five Love Languages). It's about the different seasons of marriage and is oh so good! If you have a Nook, the download is free. I highly recommend it.

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