Monday, October 24, 2011

Meet Me On Mondays

It's another blessed Monday, and to celebrate, here's a post to help you get to know me just a little bit better.

1. My favorite kind of animal is _______?
Owls.  They are so beautiful and majestic.

2. Do you like your handwriting?
Yes, I do.  It's clear and legible, which I think are the only really important qualities handwriting should have.

3. What is the last movie you saw?
E and I were watching My Neighbor Totoro last night.  We got it from the library.

4. Do you buy things on eBay?
Nope, can't say that I ever have.

5. What did you have for lunch yesterday?
A ham, salami, and swiss cheese sandwich on french bread with lettuce, mayo and dressing.  I made it myself and enjoyed it immensely.

I'd like to meet you too!  Join the fun at Never Growing Old.  Have a blessed week!

1 comment:

  1. Hi popping by from Never Growing Old blog hop.

    that lunch sounds yummy.
