Monday, November 28, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Happy Monday!  It's been a busy day today, as I did laundry, cleaned house, and began putting up the Christmas tree.  Thanksgiving has come and gone, and it was wonderful.  Now to prepare for the celebration of Christ's birth, but first, how about a Monday post?  To join in, visit Java at Never Growing Old.

1. I really need to clean my _________?
Bedroom!  It's a dusty mess!

2. What food makes you think of Christmas?
Coconut rice pudding.  It's a staple in the Puertorican home at Christmas.

3. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
Hmm, let's see.  I was pretty hot when I was 22.  Of course I didn't have kids yet.  I'll say 36.  By then I had all three of my precious children.

4. What was your first paying job?
I did data entry at Chemical Bank.

5. Have you read the Twilight series?
Nope.  I'm not into that vampire/werewolf genre.

Have a blessed week!

1 comment:

  1. stopping by from MMOM
    I haven't had rice pudding for such a long time. I remember eating it a lot as a kid.
