Monday, November 21, 2011

Meet Me On Mondays

It's time for another Meet Me On Monday entry!  Let's thank Java at Never Growing Old for this fun meme.  Give it a try - you might just get hooked!

1. I wish I had more time to _________?
Pack!  We're leaving for Central Florida in 2 days, and I need to get everything done already!

2. What is your favorite kind of soup?
Right now, it's Italian lentil and pasta soup.  It's so hearty!

3. Where will you eat Thanksgiving dinner?
At my kid's apartment up in Central Florida.

 4. What is your favorite time of day?
Mornings.  I'm a morning person.  I have lots of energy in the mornings, so I can get lots of stuff done.

5. Did you start Christmas shopping yet?
Yes!  And I'm almost done too!  I always try to do my shopping early because I hate the crowded stores at Christmastime.  Folks forget the true meaning of Christmas, which is a shame. :(


  1. Stopping by from the MMOM blog hop. I love your blog background! I'm with you on the Christmas shopping. I truly dislike shopping in a crowd. Have a great week!

  2. More time to pack, that fits me too! I always end up awake too late the night before and sleep in the car. Lucky thing my hubby hates my driving! LOL

  3. Hi Arlene!

    I hope you have fun with your kids on Thanksgiving! We are having dinner at my house - was at my daughters, but . . . plans change!

    I'm a night-owl! I always get a second wind about 9:00 p.m.! If you notice, most of my blogs are posted in the evening!

    I hate crowd too! I will probably just go Christmas shopping and get everything done in one day. I have a list and I generally stick to it!

    The Italian Lentil Soup sounds really good, you should post the recipe sometime!

    Have fun packing!

