Saturday, December 3, 2011

Observing My Senses

For Today, December 3, 2011...

I am seeing...the sun stream through the window this bright Saturday morning.  It's a cool 73 degrees out and the wind is blowing, keeping the house comfortable.

I am feeling...hungry.  Good thing I'm also having breakfast. ;)

I am hearing...Star Wars: The Clone Wars.  A cartoon my son enjoys.

I am tasting...pancakes and bacon.  Oh so yummy!  It made my son very happy too.  It's his favorite breakfast.

I am smelling...the clean fresh air coming in the windows, Log Cabin syrup on my pancake, and my morning coffee.  I love the smells of home.

It just takes a moment to observe your surroundings.  Won't you join me?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arlene!

    Yummmmmm, I love pancakes too! Sounds like you are having a wonderful Saturday - I like that!

    Thank you for your kind thoughts on my blog - I so appreciate all of my blogging buddies and their support!

