Saturday, April 14, 2012

Follow Friday Four Fill-In

It's time for Follow Friday Four Fill-In!  Well, no, it's actually a day late, but computer issues delayed me.  Oh well, better late than never!  Give it a try; hop on over to Hilary's at Feeling Beachie.

1. When I am __ I always ___
When I am reading I always doze off.  I don't know why; even when the book is getting really good, I find myself nodding off.

2. ___ is my __ of ___
Kohl's is my department store of choice.  Seriously, have you seen the bargains?!

3. The  ______ the ____
The older I get the more I realize how little I know.

4. If only I _______ then ______ and everyone would be _______.
If only I weren't so shy then I could share my testimony more freely and everyone would be encouraged by it.  (Wow, that was a hard one!  I had to think about it a lot.)


  1. Better late than never.... I always doze while watching TV or a movie

  2. I love your answers! Especially #3 & #4. Profound.

  3. wonderfill fill ins. I definitely would of had to think hard for all four. i will join in next week. missed it this week.
