Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today, April 24, 2012...

Outside my window...is the loveliest blue sky, serving as a backdrop to green trees and tile roofs.

I am thinking...if the weather were like today every single day, I'd be very happy.

I am thankful...for beautiful days like today, and for not-so-beautiful days too.  Everyday is a blessing.

I am going...to have to take a Benadryl for my allergies.  It always happens when I'm working in the yard.  Like today - I cut the grass and now I'm all stuffed up.

I am wearing...a black t-shirt, jean bermuda shorts and white flip-flops.  It's 77 degrees out, sunny and breezy.

I am noticing...a few coconuts in one of our palm trees.  Too bad they're too high to reach.

In the kitchen...I made tilapia today, because it's fast and easy and I was tired after working all morning in the yard.

I am reading...Genesis with my son, A Love That Multiplies during my down-time, and In Search of Christian Freedom for my personal study.

I am hoping...my allergies won't get too out of hand.

I am wondering...if I take a nap now, will I be able to sleep tonight?

I am looking forward to...my daughter's graduation.  It's a little over a week away.

Around the house...I've been working more outside than inside thanks to the beautiful weather.  I did some major cleaning last week so the house is still looking good.

I am pondering these words..."He came to pay a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay." - author unknown.

One of my favorite things...is the feeling of accomplishment when I've finished a task or chore.

A few plans for the rest of the week...my son E has FCAT's tomorrow and Thursday.  We have Awana tomorrow night, and of course church on Sunday.

Wanna join in the fun?  Visit Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook.  God bless.


  1. This is a sweet blog - thanks for the visit today - you have encouraged me!

  2. Hi Arlene!

    I just love those perfect days!

    It sounds like you have a busy few weeks ahead of you - good luck with the graduation and all that goes along with it! It will be delightful!

    I love that quote - I had to read it twice and think about it . . . but I love it!


  3. Wonderful post:) first time to visit and enjoying the entries:)
