Saturday, May 5, 2012

Observing My Senses

For Today, May 5, 2012...

I am seeing...a tidied up apartment.  I got up early this morning (as I always do) and cleaned up the kid's apartment a bit.

I am feeling...better than I did yesterday.  We went out to eat on Thursday for my daughter's graduation celebration, and I find that eating out, with all the salt and fat in the foods, doesn't agree with me.  I didn't feel well at all yesterday, but thankfully I'm feeling more like myself today.

I am hearing...a cartoon movie that my youngest son is watching.  The other kids are still asleep.

I am tasting...Pillsbury biscuits.  Yum!

I am smelling...biscuits, sausages, and coffee.  I love the smell of breakfast.

It just takes a moment to observe your surroundings.  Won't you join me?


  1. Hi Arlene!

    Sounds like you are having a great time - glad you are feeling better... :0)

    Have a safe trip home!


  2. Paying back your visit to my blog. It sounds like you were having a very nice morning. I like being up and in the kitchen alone before everyone else. Glad you got over the icky foods and are feeling better.
