Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today, June 27, 2012...

Outside my window...the outer bands of Tropical Storm Debby are bringing some rain, not heavy, but enough to make the day look gloomy.

I am thinking...of all the packing that still needs to be done.  My son did a great job, but there's still more to do, plus cleaning the apartment, all by Friday.

I am thankful...that we got here yesterday safely even though I had to drive through a patch of extremely heavy rain.  I'm also thankful our children's pastor's wife got released from the hospital yesterday.  They were in a car accident on Friday and she was suffering from a headache that wouldn't go away.  All the tests came back negative, and she just needs to get some rest.  Thank You Jesus!

I am get some breakfast for us, though I hate the idea of going out in the rain.

I am I *heart* VBS t-shirt, jean capris and flip-flops.  Housework wear, because there's lots of housework needing to be done.

I am much rainier this spring and summer have been compared to last year.  There certainly is no reason for turning on sprinklers this year!

In the kitchen...most everything has been packed away, so we'll be eating take-out or sandwiches.  I'm not too happy about that; we had delicious chicken wings from Buffalo Wild Wings last night and the scale is going to scream at me about it :P.

I am devotions and not much else.  Right now I'm focused on getting the apartment ready for the move on Friday.  I don't have much time to read.

I am wondering...what size truck J is bringing - will everything fit?

I am hoping...the storms will be gone by Friday.  Loading a truck while it's raining is no easy task.

I am looking forward to...having my children at home with me.  I'm not looking forward to the clutter, though.  I'm still trying to figure out how to fit everything in the house without it looking like one of the homes in that show Hoarders - Buried Alive.

Around the house...we will be packing up and cleaning bathrooms and the fridge today, and packing up anything that isn't already in a box.

I am pondering these words..."Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and the angels know of us." - Thomas Paine.

One of my favorite things...having my kids fight over who loves me most. :)

A few plans for the rest of the and tomorrow it's packing and cleaning.  Friday the truck will be here to be loaded, and my kids will turn in the keys to the apartment they shared while in school here in Central Florida.  Saturday we'll be busy finding a place for everything, getting the beds set up and R's clothing put away.  The next few days will be hectic.  Lord, please, give me strength, patience, and contentment in the difficult moments!

Wanna join in the fun?  Visit Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook.  God bless.

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