Friday, July 13, 2012

Follow Friday Four Fill-In

I know I've said this before, but it bears repeating:  I LOVE my Friday fill-ins!  It seems so easy but it really gets my noggin exercising early in the morning!  You can too, just head on over to Hilary's at Feeling Beachie and give it a try.

This week’s statements:
1..My day always starts by ____
My day always starts by reading a devotional.  I like Our Daily Bread.  It gets my mind focused on what's important.

2.  I prefer ___ to ____
I prefer flip-flops to any kind of footwear.  I practically live in them.

3.  I never thought I’d __________ until I __________
I never thought I'd enjoy an e-reader until I got a Nook for Christmas.  Now I'm hooked.  This thing is amazing!

 4.  I wish I could ________ for ________________
I wish I could go to Puerto Rico for Christmas.  It would be so neat to be on the island for Christmas, even though so many of my loved ones are gone or have moved away.


  1. I like them to, but shucks, how I ponder to fill them in. have a blessed day.

  2. Hi Arlene!

    I guess I will have to try the "Follow Friday Four Fill-in's"!

    Starting the day reading scripture or a good devotional is always a good start for me too! I love flip flops - Don't have a Nook, but have a request in for one - I have never been to Puerto Rico, I hear it's amazing, and not matter what, it's always wonderful be home for Christmas - I hope that one comes true for you!


  3. I have the Daily Bread devotionals too. it's just perfect for the amount of time I have, with my coffee, before the crazy chaos of the day starts.
    flip flops - if we didn't have snow 7 months of the year, it would be an everyday thing for me too!

  4. My Daily Bread is the best but I tend to read mine at night not sure why I seem to meditate more on the Word in the evening but my prayer time is driving to work in the beauty of the mountain in the morning. LOVE flip flops I have kinda cheated this last week at work I bought a pair of white leather ones so i figure they are leather sort a sandal like why not wear them to work so far I have not been called into the supervisors office :)
