Friday, July 27, 2012

Follow Friday Four Fill-In

I'm happy to welcome Hilary at Feeling Beachie back for this week's Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun.  The concept is simple:  4 statements, fill in the blanks.  The concept may be simple, but the actual practice is much more challenging!  Why not give it a chance?  I dare you ;)

This week’s statements:

1. I learned how to make _____ in ____
I learned how to make lasagna in my mother's kitchen.  Along with almost everything else.

2. I have always wanted to ____
I have always wanted to visit Washington DC.  One day...

3. My purse always has a __________and _______________.
My purse always has an umbrella and it's the smart thing to do when you live in Florida.  We get sudden rain showers out of nowhere regularly.

4. One day when I am ____________I am  going to _______________________.
 One day when I am more financially able I am going to visit Washington DC.  See #2.


  1. You will love D.C. I hope you get to visit it very soon! Care to share your lasagna recipe?? :)

  2. The only time I stepped foot in DC was in the Dulles airport last month! lol I want to go and visit all those wonderful places in there too! Thanks for the visit & comment and enjoy your weekend! ^-^

  3. D.C. is a great place to visit. The Smithsonian museums are worth the trip alone.

  4. my mom lives in FL and she carries an umbrella in her purse too

  5. I would love to go back to D.C. it's a wonderful city with so much to do. And I hear you on the umbrella... I have a few in the car and handy at all times, especially during the summer!

  6. I want to visit DC as well. My sister just moved to a suburb of DC so it's finally going to happen!
