Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Quiz About Me

Good morning, and Happy Monday to all!  This is a blog hop that gives us 4 questions to answer with the option to add a 5th question of our own for visitors.  I hope you'll join in at Acting Balanced.

1. What are your favorite pizza toppings?
Pepperoni and bacon for the meat portion, onions, green and red peppers for veggies.

2. What is the strangest name you've ever heard for a child?
This one my daughter told me about.  It's spelled La-a.  It's pronounced Ladasha.  Instead of writing out the "dash" part, her mom just put a hyphen, expecting everyone to know what it meant.

3. What is the best vacation you've ever gone on?
We spent 2 weeks in Orlando with a super saver type pass that allowed us to go to Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure, Aquatica, SeaWorld and Wet and Wild parks for 14 days.  It was a park hopper pass so we could go to all different parks in one day.  I came back so tanned I hardly recognized myself.

4. What is your favorite quick summer meal?
Burgers on the grill.  Or anything else on the grill.

And now for my question:

5.  What is your favorite board game?
In my house, it's Apples to Apples.

Have a great day!


  1. Hey Arlene, my favorite board game has always been Aggravation. Not sure it is even still available, but as a child my family spent many hours playing this game and listening to my Dad complain about being sent back to start!

    Have a wonderful Monday

  2. I kind of like Trivia Pursuit. That was quite the name choice.

  3. I used to love Monopoly! Really, when I was first married, my ex and I used to play - those games sometimes went on for weeks.

  4. Snakes and ladders... its a simple game to play with my kiddos ^^

    Amiko @ Days of Eomma

  5. My favorite board game is Cranium! Or Trivial Pursuit. I love trivia games.
    I can't believe that mother named her child that. Wow.

  6. I loved backgammon but it wasn't really on a board was it? More like a case so then to be fair I will go with Candy land because how many times do we have to play it so each kid gets a fair chance to win a game ugh! But I know they love those times :}
