Friday, July 20, 2012

No Follow Friday Four Fill-In

It's with a heavy heart that I won't be doing my Friday Four Fill-in this week, because our host, Hilary at Feeling Beachie, lost her beloved cat Alex this week.  Anyone who has a pet knows how much we love them, and how they become a member of the family.  Saying goodbye to them is sad and painful, so Hilary will be taking a break as she mourns the loss of her precious pet.  May the Lord comfort the family of Alex the cat.


  1. I know it is a very heavy heart this Friday holds so much sadness. I will miss Alex's posts :(

  2. Thank you so much for leaving words of comfort for me on the passing of my beloved cat, Alex. Marc and I are heartbroken. We know we did the right thing, and every day we realize how much Alex was “preparing us” during the last few weeks, but it doesn’t make it any easier. We can’t stop the tears…. But having wonderful friends, like you, and the support of the CB is making it better….

    Also, thank you so much for putting this beautiful post up about Alex. I have a linky on my blog for all the posts about my sweet boy - I am adding yours to it so I can return often... All the posts about him are so comforting to me...
