Friday, November 23, 2012

Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun

I'm thankful that Hilary is back after Hurricane Sandy interrupted her life.  As she gets her home back in order, I'll join in for some Friday fill-ins.  If you care to give it a try, visit her at Feeling Beachie.

This week’s statements:
1. I put ___ on a hot dog
I put brown mustard and either relish or onions on a hot dog.  Which isn't often, since hot dogs don't do well in my tummy :(

2. when it___ I ____
When it is sunny and warm out I wish we had a barbecue so I could cook outside.  What kind of person lives in South Florida and doesn't have a barbecue?  This one right here.  Hopefully I'll remedy that soon.

3. If my house____then I would be able to___
If my house were larger then I would be able to foster kids.  I need extra bedrooms.

4. If I was getting married tomorrow I would _______________ differently so we could ________________differently now.
If I was getting married tomorrow I would choose differently so we could live differently now.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not filled with regrets.  I just know now that I should have been more discerning.


  1. Great answers! I think we are all relieved that Hilary is okay!!!

  2. I think we all could benefit from 20/20 vision. I sometimes wish I had not encouraged my hubby to get his degree when he was tired of school. He might have been a teacher instead.

  3. I am glad I am back too....

    Brown mustard on a dog is the best!

  4. I wish we had a grill too. Grilled veggies in the summer, mmm....

  5. I put mustard on the hot dog as well when home ity is the brown but usually when it is at a sport event etc... it is the yellow stuff. Love your answer to #4 it really makes alot of sense to have that view :]

  6. You answered the wedding question well. I was thinking along those lines but just didn't have time to think how to say it yesterday. :)
