Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch

It's time for some chatting, so I'm joining Patrice, Wendell, and all the gang at Everyday Ruralty on the porch.

1. What's your favorite ornament on your tree? If you have no Christmas tree, please tell me about something pretty in your home that you enjoy.
I found an ornament a few years ago of Santa kneeling in front of the cross and praying.  It made me think of St. Nicholas who was a devout believer, and the Santa Claus the media has portrayed him to be.  If Santa were real, he would still bow before the Lord.

2. What do you do when a telemarketer calls?
Thankfully I no longer have a land line in my home, and I rarely get telemarketing calls on my cell phone.  If I don't recognize the number I don't answer.

3. What was the last kind of candy you had? Admit it- you had one tiny little bite. We understand:)
I had a pumpkin spice Hershey's kiss after lunch today.  I still have a few left.  They are so yummy!  I'm gonna miss them when they're gone.

4. Do you send out Christmas cards? If not applicable- do you use snail mail?
I send out only a few Christmas cards.  Most I give out to my neighbors in person.

5. Please finish this. I sometimes wonder___________________________.
I sometimes wonder why God puts up with having to teach me the same lessons over, and over, and over again.  He really must love me to be so patient.


  1. I saw a statue of santa kneeling before the baby Jesus- so sweet! I don't have a land line and I get all sorts of crazy calls on my cell. Bleh!Pumpkin spice Hershey's kiss? I've missed something chocolate? I must remedy that!In response to #5- I think He is like that for all of us. And yes, He does love us that much. Isn't that amazing? :)

  2. my best friend's secret sister at church made her a 3ft high wooden cutout of Santa kneeling before the Baby Jesus and it has the verse from Phil where it says that every knee shall bow. Its so lovely.

  3. My father in law used to say that God had to hit him between the eyes with a 2x4 to get the point through. He was so funny about those things. A true believer! I have a statue of Santa kneeling at the manger.

  4. I totally agree with your answer to #5....so glad He's so faithful to each of us!! HOPE you have a great week!!

  5. I'm right there with you on No. 2. I don't pick up calls from numbers I don't recognize either, takes away the stress of dealing with spammers.

  6. i'm the same as you; i don't answer numbers i don't know!

  7. Hi Arlene!

    I love the picture of Santa kneeling before the Christ Child . . . makes you stop and think . . .

    Thank goodness for repentance!!


  8. We truly do have a patient father. I love the sound of your ornament, it would be a great way to teach our kids about santas origin. Have a blessed week:O)

  9. We have to have a landline I would love to get rid of it but it is necessary that is why I am thankful for caller Id. Your #5 is so GREAT, we are so very lucky He never gives up on us. Great chatting with you on the porch Arlene I wish for you to have many blessing this week sending prayers ^,^
