Friday, December 14, 2012

Five Question Friday

Welcome to this very special addition of Five Question Friday.  Why special, you ask?  Because it's my birthday!  I'm so extremely blessed and thankful for another year, another month, another day.  And so, here are my festive five questions courtesy of Mama M at My Little Life.  Let's give it a go.

1. If you bake during the holidays, what is your favorite thing to make?
I bake cakes and take them around to our neighbors.  I use Duncan Hines cake mixes but I jazz them up so they turn out better than going by the recipe.  My neighbors look forward to our yearly visits.

2. Present giving: Gift bag vs wrapped box?
I like the way wrapped boxes look under the tree.  Whenever I can I wrap, but some gifts require a bag just because of the shape.

3. What do you keep your thermostat on during the winter/summer in your house?
Hahaha!  I only just turned the air conditioner off today because the temperatures finally got down into the 60's this morning.  We have central heating and a/c, and when we finally turn the heater on (once or twice a year) the poor unit goes into shock, LOL!

4. When thinking of your "Christmas to-do list" what percentage "done" are you?
As far as shopping goes, I'm done.  Everything is purchased and under the tree, except for my son E's special present which will be here on Christmas Eve.  Next week I'll be baking and delivering cakes to my neighbors.  I might mix it up a bit and bake some banana bread or cookies as well.  I usually leave that till the week before Christmas though.

5. Do you do the "Elf on a Shelf"? If so, is your Elf naughty and what shenanigans has he gotten into?
I've never done the Elf on a Shelf.  My youngest is turning 13 this month and considers himself too old for that kind of stuff (though I'll bet if I did it he'd still enjoy it).


  1. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TO YOU ...ARLENE!!! oh you get to have one of those birthdays close to Christmas. i think it is cool you do cakes for your neighbors I knew you were super but gosh this is REALLY super. I pray for you today on your day of birth Arlene what a grand day it is indeed. Hope you do something wonderful you deserve the best of days not just today but always. <3 Janice

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hoping your day is perfect.

  3. Happy Birthday!!!!!
    Hope your day has been wonderful!
    We moved a few months ago to a new neighborhood, and we might make cookies to pass out to our neighbors. We passed a few batches out when we first moved here.
    Merry Christmas!!!

  4. I'm stopping by for the 5QF today.
    Happy Birthday !
    I actually had to look up "Elf on a Shelf" because I just had no idea. But once I did I remember my mother's elves! lol
    I love reusing gift boxes, paper and bags every year.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Dropping in from 5QF.

    Happy birthday! When you were little, did you hate having a birthday so close to Christmas? I have a nephew who was born on the 26th, and his parents didn't want him to feel slighted by competing with the holidays, so they celebrated his birthday in the summertime. Of course, his parents are a little weird. ;-)

    And my kid is 21, so no elf for us, either, though I told my husband I wouldn't mind having one, as long as he'd move it around every night!

  6. Sending 5QF love
    And Happy Birthday (it was mine the day before) =)
