Friday, December 7, 2012

Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun

It's that time of the week again - time to get my neurons pumping as I figure out my fill-ins.  I'm up for the challenge - how about you?  Check it out at Feeling Beachie, courtesy of Hilary.

This week’s statements:
1. ___in the ___ is the ___
Walking in the park is the best form of exercise.

2. __is my____
My relationship with Christ is my most important relationship.

3. I like to think ____; but I know _____.
I like to think I'm in control of my life; but I know my life is in Better Hands.

4. If I just ______, then I could ______.
If I just stop snacking, then I could lose these lousy 5 extra pounds.  Easier said than done during the Christmas season.


  1. Hi Arlene!

    I would love a nice long walk in the park!

    We are so blessed to have the love of Christ in our lives . . .

    I wish I only had to lose 5 pounds!! You can do it - keep walking in the park . . . :0)


  2. Love your thoughts...focused right where they should be. :)
