Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday Quiz About Me

Welcome to Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Acting Balanced and Touristic.

Here are FOUR QUESTIONS that everyone can answer and then you have the option to add a fifth question of your own for those who are visiting your blog to answer in the comment section, along with commenting on the four standard questions you answered!

1. What are your favorite h'orderves at a party?
I like just about anything, whether it's chicken or veggies or whatever.  I'm easy to please.

2. What Christmas song have heard too much already?
None.  I love Christmas music.  I could hear it all year long.

3. Do you have New Year's Eve plans?
Nope.  Most likely I'll be at home unless something else comes up.

4. What was the best blog post you read this week?
That would be this post by a previous pastor from our church, Pastor Dan Burrell.

And now a fifth question of my own:

5. What is on your Christmas menu?
After much discussion with my children, it looks like we'll be having turkey again.  That's 'cause my kids can't get enough of my stuffing :)


  1. Turkey is on our menu too. My son will cook it this year and I will supply the apple and pumpkin pies for dessert.

  2. We started doing prime rib once we moved into this house 3 yrs ago and the kids love it, we do veggies and potatoes salads & desserts. yum

  3. Whatever I come up with that day as I do not have any plans to go anywhere for xmas dinner.
