Monday, August 19, 2013

Observing My Senses

For today, August 19, 2013...

I am seeing...the first load if laundry separated and folded on my bed, ready to be put away. Load #2 is waiting in the dryer. 

I am feeling...sweaty after picking up my son from school. It rained this morning and again while I was at the school waiting for him. The heat is high and the humidity is higher. But I'm glad my son came home from school in a good mood and his sister is excited about her first day at her tutoring job. 

I am hearing...the ceiling fan. Between that and the air conditioner I'm able to survive this heat wave. 

I am tasting...nothing at the moment. Dinner will be in half an hour. 

I am smelling...baked ziti. I made a big pan, enough for lunch, dinner, and tomorrow's lunch for my youngest son. 

It just takes a moment to observe your surroundings. Won't you join me?

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that your son came home in a good mood!! Does that mean the first day went well??
