Sunday, February 21, 2021

Another Update

 I'm currently in Central Florida getting ready to look at homes. But let's go back some.

After the mold inspection report I prayed for us to hear quickly one way or another. Within a couple of days the answer came: they found some mold, but not black mold. Here in Florida it's not unusual to find mold, what with the high humidity we have, but it wasn't what I wanted to hear. However, the buyer didn't walk away from the sale. Instead, he asked for a price decrease. Considering he'd offered above asking price, what he was offering was what I expected to house to sell for. I decided to accept, but my realtor went the extra mile. She told the buyer this would be the final price, regardless of what the appraisal came in for. He accepted. I praise God because things are moving along, not because of me but because of Him. 

My daughter and son-in-law went to Disney World for the Valentine's Day weekend, and my son E and I stayed at her house dog-sitting. The neighbor called in noise complaints that weekend. Twice. I called the precinct at 4:00 in the morning because I saw on my Ring video when the police officer came by my door. I asked why an officer was there, and when the dispatcher told me about the noise complaint, I told her no one was home. She had the officer call me at that hour so I could explain that we were away for the weekend. He made a note of it but that was it. That week he was blasting his television again, and I called the police yet again. He was given a citation, and the officer almost begged me to press charges. Instead I asked the officer to give him a warning. A final warning. If it happens again, I will have no other choice but to file charges for harassment. It's not what I want to do, but it will be what I have to do. 

At times I've wondered if this is the right course of action. Selling after just a year and a half, packing up my life and getting ready for another move...but whenever the harassment continues and intensifies, when he accuses me and calls the police when I'm not even home, I know it's the only option.

So here I am, for the next three days, fixing to see houses and praying that God will lead me to the one He has for us. He's brought me this far. I trust He will do what only He can do. 

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