Thursday, March 5, 2009

Moving up the Technological Ladder

So, after much persuasion, persistance, and outright begging from my children, I finally succumbed and got DSL. I didn't see the point in going from dial-up to fast speed internet. Hey, we didn't even have PC's when I was a kid, and we survived! I know it's faster, but it's also more expensive, and we're trying to keep expenses down. But as E spends more time on school related activities over the internet it became clear we needed something faster. E is on Ticket to Read through school, a computer program that helps him with reading comprehension. The problem was that it was taking about half an hour just to have the page load up. My oldest son came to my rescue, though. He's been wanting DSL because he has a laptop and with a wireless router he can be anywhere in the house downloading music or old TV shows like Twilight Zone. He agreed to pay for half the internet bill so that we wouldn't have to increase our budget. It's a winning situation for both of us, so I went for it. Now I'm zipping through the pages, afraid of getting too used to it! Once again, God is blessing us with more than we could afford, definitely with more than we deserve. Praise be to the One who loved us even while we were still sinners!

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