Monday, October 17, 2011

Meet Me On Mondays

I'm trying to get back on track with my posts.  I don't like neglecting my blog.  Since it's Monday, the beginning of the week, why not get started by getting to know me a little better?  Here's a little trivia you may not have known:

1. The thing that scares me the most is __________?
Rats.  The very word makes my skin crawl.  I hate them.

2. Do you like nuts in your Chocolate Chip cookies?
Very much so, but unfortunately I'm the only one in the house that does so our chocolate chip cookies are usually nut-less.

3. If you couldn't change the channel, what tv show would drive you from the room?
Most of them :P.  There isn't anything good on TV anymore.

4. Pulp or no pulp in your Orange Juice?
I prefer no pulp.  Though I don't drink orange juice.  It gives me migraine headaches.

5. Who do you miss the most?
My oldest son and my daughter.  They're living up in Central Florida right now.  My home is empty without them. :'(

Now I'd like to meet you!  Post your answers at Never Growing Old and let's compare!  Have a great week!

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