Monday, October 31, 2011

Meet Me On Mondays

It's another Monday, another glorious week in the Lord, and another chance to do a Meet Me On Monday's post!  You can visit Java at Never Growing Old to join in the fun.

1. My current weather is _______?
73 degrees and cloudy.  Looks like we might get some more rain this morning.

2. What is your favorite sound?
A baby's laughter.  You know, that heart-felt belly laugh they belt out because you made a funny face.  That sound is just precious.

3. What is the worst flavor of ice cream?
Coffee flavor.  Yuck!  The only thing in the world that should taste like coffee, is coffee.

4. What magazine do you look for when you are stuck in the waiting room?
I don't.  I take a book, or now my Nook, and read that.

5. What is your favorite condiment?
Depends on what I'm cooking.  For hispanic foods, I like using cilantro.  For Italian foods, I use plenty of oregano and basil.  And for Mexican food, you've got to have cumin.

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