Monday, October 24, 2011

Move It Mondays

Happy Monday morning to everyone!  It's a perfect day here in South Florida, 73 degrees and a cool breeze blowing through the windows.  I wish everyday was this nice!  The weekend was also incredible.  I think we've only turned the a/c on at nights, and even then it doesn't stay on because it's been so pleasant out.  It's why I love the fall so much!

There's plenty to do today, so I'd best get started.  I've already got a load of laundry in the washer and another in the dryer, plus I've got 2 more to do after that.  How we have so much dirty laundry when there are only 3 of us living in the house is a mystery to me, especially because I do laundry during the week as well.  I'm gonna vacuum and mop and also get some dusting done.  Then I'll be making meat patties (empanadas) for lunch/dinner.  They are E's favorites.  Looking forward to getting much accomplished around the house today!

May your Monday be a pleasant and productive one too!

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