Saturday, November 10, 2012

Observing My Senses

For Today, November 10, 2012...

I am seeing...cloudy skies but no rain.  We haven't had rain in two weeks, since Hurricane Sandy passed us by.  The weather has improved drastically - humidity is down and the highs have been in the 70's or low 80's.

I am feeling...great after having found some excellent deals at Walmart!  I went through the toy clearance aisle and found expensive board games reduced to $5, and a couple of Zhu Zhu Pets playsets, one for $5 and the other for $1.  I love finding bargains!

I am hearing...just the whir of the computer and the refrigerator.  Oh, wait, I just heard my youngest son's voice.  He's awake.

I am tasting...hash browns, sausages, a fried egg and my morning coffee.  I took a break from my pumpkin spice Eggo's today.

I am smelling...the clean fresh air coming in through the windows.  Since Sandy came and went, I've barely turned on the a/c thanks to the gorgeous breezy weather.  That's a bonus - a lower electric bill is sure to come this week!

It just takes a moment to observe your surroundings.  Won't you join me?

1 comment:

Barb said...

Hi Arlene!

I love a good bargain, and it sounds like you got some good ones today!!

I'm so glad that your weather is warm and not too humid - nothing like a low power bill!

It is freezing here - the snow is falling and I'm sure my power bill will be going up!

Have a wonderful week-end!!
