It's no big surprise that most non-believers have never read the New Testament. What is a surprise that so many Christians haven't read it, either. When you consider that we have the most access to God's word than any other country, it warrants the question: Do we avail ourselves to the Word as we should?
Our church has small groups each year in the spring and fall. In the past, small group leaders were able to select, with the approval of the pastors, the curriculum we felt led by the Lord to study. There were plenty of small groups and curriculum to choose from: groups for men only, for women only, for couples, for youth. This season, the Lord has placed upon our pastor's heart the need that we become more familiar with His Word. The Bible is our source of spiritual sustenance and vitality. Reading the Word once a week would be like only having a meal once a week; we would become weak, and our health would suffer. So, to strengthen our spiritual health, this fall the entire church will be studying the New Testament. We will be challenged to read anywhere from 4 to 5 chapters daily. For those that don't like reading or find little time to do so, the New Testament on CD will be provided. This way the daily reading can be listened to in the car, while doing chores, etc. Even the Sunday message will tie in to the New Testament readings. Small groups will discuss the weekly readings and apply it to our everyday lives.
That's one of the challenges. The other is called the ServeOne challenge. Each person will be challenged to find one person to serve each day. Jesus said He came to serve, and we are to do the same. After all, that's the recipe for JOY: Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.
I am so excited for this study to start. I know God is going to do some amazing things as we draw closer to Him during this study of His Word. I pray that we have 100% participation this small group season. The blessings gained from studying God's Word are immeasurable.
My Daybook . . .
2 weeks ago
Very true- many people haven't read the NT- I think it's because a lot of people try to read the bible like they would any other book- front to back, in order.. but it doesn't have to be read that way! (And, to an unbeliever... reading the OT can be quite confusing!)
Btw- there are a few people interested in our home.. so we're thankful for that. Seemed it stormed the fare well (Er... fared the storm, ha!) as it was just the far outer bands that brought a few high winds and rain, but nothing tremendous.
well I for one am glad that you started a blog.
you always leave such great comments on mine, it'll be nice to finally be able to leave some in return! :)
you quit your job?? good for you, I say, good for you!
all sounds as if it's well! I can't wait to read more!
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