I just finished reading about the California father who killed his wife, his 5 children, then turned the gun on himself. I grieve for this family who felt they had no alternative but to take the precious life God gave them and the precious lives of their children. News reports state that this couple had recently both lost their jobs, and together came up with the idea of killing themselves and their children, stating, "Why leave our children in someone else's hands?"
While the entire suicide note hasn't been released, it states that the couple had been investigated for "misrepresenting their employment to an outside agency to obtain childcare." I imagine that childcare for 5 children must be expensive. They had an 8 yo daughter, twin 5 yo daughters and twin 2 yo sons. Let's face it: even if the 3 girls are in school, they have to go to some sort of after school care program. Here in South Florida the after care provided in school runs between $120 and $130 per month. Childcare for the twin boys here would probably be between $100 and $125 a week. At the cheapest level that amounts to $1,160 a month. I'm assuming in California it's way more expensive, as the cost of living there is very high. Due to the investigation both parents were fired from their jobs (they worked together at a local hospital). It seems the stress of the investigation and losing their employment was too much for this couple.
Did this solve the problem? They believed it would. Yet these children lost their lives too young. Was the problem so bad that it could never be resolved? Highly unlikely. People in America are losing their jobs left and right, directly and indirectly because of the economy. While I don't condone the fact that this family was somehow lying to get childcare, it's a symptom of how bad the situation in our country has become, and sadly, if things don't improve, I fear we'll be hearing more heartbreaking stories like this one. People, killing yourself and/or your loved ones is NOT a solution! No problem is so big that God can't fix it. Anytime life deals you a blow you don't think you can stand, read the book of Job. Honestly, I don't think anything can compare to what this righteous man suffered, yet his faith in the Almighty God he trusted earned him more than relief from his troubles. He received double of everything he lost. Jesus tells us to give Him our burdens. Turn to Jesus, all those who labor. He gives us rest.
Something new on Wednesday . . .
2 days ago
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