For Today, December 21, 2009...
Outside my's 53 degrees which is cold by Florida standards. Overcast with a bit of a chill, it feels like Christmas to me.
I am thinking...about all the last minute details as we prepare to celebrate that wonderful event, Christ's birth.
I am thankful...that we can celebrate our Savior's birth freely. I think of our brothers and sisters in Christ living in countries where this is not possible. :-(
I am pick up a few things at the grocery store, run over to grandma's to get the turkey, and hopefully get my youngest son a haircut.
I am wearing...a Florida Marlins t-shirt and light blue capris with blue and white striped socks my sister got me for Christmas last year.
I am beautiful the children looked as they sang "Happy Birthday Jesus" in church yesterday.
I am creating...a warm home environment for my family.
I am reading...Genesis for morning devotions, John for SOAP devotions (though I've slacked here a bit, shame on me), and finishing up Anne of Avonlea. Such a sweet book.
I am have a restful and relaxing Christmas with my family.
On my mind...wonder if this cooler weather will stick around long?
From the learning school for 2 weeks, so we'll just be reading which E and I both enjoy.
I am noticing son is reading on his own more often. Thank You Lord!
I am pondering these words..."The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"—which means, "God with us." - Matthew 1:23.
From the kitchen today...spaghetti and meatballs, always a favorite.
Around the, laundry is close to caught up, and time together.
One of my favorite the days right before Christmas. The cooking, baking, laughing,'s just so much fun!
A few plans for the rest of the week: We'll go to the library tomorrow to return some books, then preparing for Christmas Eve which we have at grandma's house. Hispanics celebrate "Nochebuena", which literally means good night, and we open our presents to each other at midnight. Then Christmas day we have just our family at home.
From my picture hubby surprised me with a Sony Cybershot in hot pink for my birthday which is so cute, but the computer isn't reading the memory card and my son is still sleeping. Guess it'll have to wait till he wakes up.
Wanna join in the fun? Visit Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook. God bless.
My Daybook . . .
1 week ago
Will also wait for you picture...haha. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Spaghetti seems to be a popular dish this week. We are having left over spaghetti (from yesterday) for lunch. I hope you get that restful and relaxing Christmas with your family. Merry Christmas.
Ooooh!! He got you the exact same camera I have!! In pink!! :D Cool!!
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