It's another Friday, but this one is special (as my son pointed out this morning): it's exactly one week till Christmas Eve! We're so looking forward to celebrating the birth of our Savior. For now, though, let's answer some fun questions for my Friday Five:
1. Do you regift...and if so, do you have a regifting horror story?
I do regift - perfumes usually, since I have alot of allergies and perfumes aggravate them. I've had others regift to me; I know because they've given me back stuff I've given them. That would be my horror story, I guess. I must not have chosen well if the item is returned a year or two later :P
2. Do you know what you are getting for Christmas this year?
Yep. My hubby isn't good at keeping secrets, and this year he just took me to the jewelry store and had me pick out what I wanted. That's okay; I know I'm gonna like what I'm getting!
3. Who brings the most gifts in your family, you or Santa?
"Santa" brings a stocking stuffer and the rest of the presents are from each other. The only one at home that believes in Santa is my youngest son, not because I've told him to but because he insists on believing. Personally I refuse to give an imaginary character all the credit for our hard work and money. Besides, Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Christ, not the jolly fat man. Santa is a fun story but that's what it needs to remain.
4. What store do you love to buy jeans from?
New York and Company. Their jeans are made for women, not teens.
5. Christmas meal: Big, All Out Meal or Snacks and Apps?
All-out meal. My family wouldn't settle for less.
Have a wonderful weekend prepping for the big day everyone!
My Daybook . . .
1 week ago
No all out meal or snacks/apps for me this year. Nope! We're keeping it simple. I might make a pernil since E.D. will be home for Christmas Eve but I'm not sure yet since I find it a waste to get something so big for just us two ... especially since we're not eating much anymore.
Tomorrow I have to pick up a box so I can ship all your gifts to you. I'm hoping they get there before Christmas.
1. Do you regift...and if so, do you have a regifting horror story?
I regifted the skinny Santa on the old fashioned, big wheel bicycle (that I mentioned last week). The person ultimately rejected it and it ended up on my mother's dresser.
2. Do you know what you are getting for Christmas this year?
3. Who bring the most gifts in your family, you or Santa?
4. What store do you love to buy jeans from?
QVC - Personify by Denim & Co.
5. Christmas meal: Big, All Out Meal or Snacks and Apps?
Big, All Out Meal
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