1) What is your favorite household chore? And what is your least favorite?
My favorite household chore is probably cleaning floors, because I love clean floors. I hate cleaning bathrooms, though I like them clean too. I just prefer someone else clean them ;-)
2)What is your favorite city?
I love Orlando. So much to do, the weather is great, and people are friendly for the most part.
3) Have you found real love yet?
Yes. :D
4) What's one thing you eat almost everyday?
Vanilla yogurt covered raisins. They are such a delicious snack! Come to think of it, I need to pick some up today.
5) What was your last thought before falling asleep last night?
Thank You Lord for this day.
6) What's the worst injury you had as a child?
Um, I can't think of any really bad ones. No broken bones ever. I was run over by a bike when I was about 3 or 4 years old, but just got my knees scraped. That was probably the worst.
7) Will you/have you worked out today?
My workouts consist of alot of walking, and housework. So yes, I've worked out some and will continue to do so throughout the day.
8) Do you tweet?
No. I don't have time for it, nor do I think my life is so exciting that everyone needs to know what I'm doing every moment of the day.
9) List three things you wouldn't want to live without:
My relationship with Jesus, my Bible, my family
10) Hold old were you when you had your first kiss?
I think I was 16. Or thereabouts. As you can tell, it was nothing to write home about.
Okay, now it's your turn! Join the fun at All The Weigh. God bless.