Saturday, January 28, 2012

Observing My Senses

For Today, January 28, 2012...

I am seeing...a kitchen that needs some tidying.  An Awana car that's halfway completed.  A blue sky on a day that's supposed to be rainy.  A tray with just a few brownies left on it.

I am feeling...lighter since I started losing a few pounds.  Happy because I got a good night sleep and Molly didn't wake me up at 6am to be let out.  Thankful that I live in the good ole US of A.

I am hearing...birds chirping.  The computer fan whirring.  The click-click of my nails against the keyboard.  And lots of quiet. :)

I am tasting...oatmeal, not the instant kind, the one you cook on the stove for 2 minutes.  I make it with unsweetened vanilla almond milk, a dash of salt and a little sugar, then I sprinkle cinnamon on top of it.  Not only is it yummy, it's nutritious and fills me up for the entire morning.

I am on my right.  Oatmeal on my left.  Clean air coming in through the window.

It just takes a moment to observe your surroundings.  Won't you join me?

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