In Ecclesiastes 12, King Solomon urges us to remember our Creator in the days of our youth, before "those that look through the windows grow dim." (verse 3) He was referring to the eyes, and I got a sneak preview today of what that means.
I've worn glasses since I was 15 years old, and needed them even before that. My mom thought I was faking the need for glasses, that I only wanted glasses because my cousins wore them. It was 3 years before she took me to the eye doctor and realized I wasn't making it up. By that time my prescription for myopia (nearsightedness) was 100/125 (20/20 is considered very good eyesight; the higher the number the worse the eyesight is). As the years went on my eyesight got progressively worse, though not too rapidly, so that 2 years ago my prescription was 325/375. In addition to the myopia I also developed astigmatism, and once I hit 40 I also became farsighted and needed reading glasses. It meant I would need trifocals - a separate prescription for seeing far, seeing the computer, and reading. Or a new set of eyes. I chose the former.
I'd been putting off getting a new pair of glasses, but I realized I was taking my glasses off to read because they just didn't work anymore, which then gave me a headache because I was straining my eyes. Reading is one of my favorite pastimes, and I don't want to stop enjoying it because of stubbornness, so today I went to get my eyes examined.
After checking my eyes every which way, my eye doctor told me she saw the progression which was expected for "someone my age" (way to make me feel old doctor. Thanks :P). The myopia has actually improved; I am now 300/350, slight improvement but I'll take any good news. Unfortunately my astigmatism has gotten a little worse, as has my reading prescription. I guess my eyes wanted to even out :P. Actually, the doctor explained that this is typical; as one aspect of the eyes gets worse the other improves. So, I picked out new frames, and my new "windows" should be ready next week. Hopefully these new glasses will help me look younger since my eyes are making me "see" older. Stay tuned - pics will follow!
Something new on Wednesday . . .
2 days ago
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