Tuesday, May 26, 2009

J and K Season Premiere

I watched the season premiere of Jon and Kate Plus 8 last night. I don't know why I tuned in. I had determined at the end of season 4 that I didn't want to see the show anymore because it was becoming something I didn't like. They'd gone from being a happy couple who would argue but would also have conversations and laugh together like any other couple, to a distant couple that seemed uncomfortable together. Jon would barely say two words, and Kate seemed upset during the entire interviews. It wasn't pleasant to watch.

But I turned it on anyway. I have to say, by the end of the show I was depressed. I was mostly interested in seeing the children's birthday party because I find these kids to be absolutely adorable, and in that sense they didn't disappoint. I loved Collin saying his favorite things (after the cake and candy, of course) were the "chinyatas". That was just precious. He also went up to his mommy and thanked her for the birthday party. Oh, I could have jumped through the TV and given him a hundred kisses, he was so cute. I was also pleased to see Mady getting along much better with her siblings. She seems more mature now that she's 8 years old and the little ones are older also. Perhaps she's outgrowing the negative phase she went through. That part I truly enjoyed.

Unfortunately the focus of the program wasn't the party, but it started and ended with the marital problems between Jon and Kate. The media (the tabloids in particular) have been terrible with this family. I tell you, I've never purchased a tabloid in my life, and after watching how hurting and damaging it is to human beings I'm even more committed to never spending my money on such trash. Sadly, our human nature loves to see others suffer (aren't we horrible?). These magazines make huge amounts of money by stalking their victims and then writing all sorts of horrendous things about them, and their "fans" eat it up. I'm not surprised it has caused a strain in their marriage.

But I also got the sense that's not the only problem. There's a lot more than meets the eye here, more than a "reality show" can present. There are deep rooted issues, and it was plain to see in the way they didn't even want to look at each other when they were finally interviewed together. Both Jon and Kate made clear their commitment to their children, but neither one spoke of their commitment to each other, and that spoke volumes. It's what was not said that disturbed me most.

I wanted to hear Kate say that she is praying about their situation and that she is leaving everything in God's hands. I wanted to hear Jon not only admit that he's made some wrong choices, but that he is seeking Christian counseling so that he can work at his marriage instead of letting it fall to pieces. I wanted to hear both of them say their number 1 priority is pleasing God, and that they will do whatever it takes to save their marriage and their family, not for their children's sakes, but for their Savior's sake. Why wasn't that said? I can accept Kate saying she's angry. She has every right to be. Even Jesus got angry when He saw injustice, and I believe the media has been unjust in their treatment of this family. But have Jon and Kate turned to the Lord and asked Him what He would have them do? And are they willing to do whatever He asks of them, even if it isn't what they want to do?

As much as I have enjoyed the show, and I really have, I see it as their downfall. Kate insists there's no turning back. I say, "For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible." (Mark 10:27, NRSV). I will pray for this family, because I believe it is a family worth saving. I hope they are praying, too.


Mrs. O said...

I mentioned to E last night after the show that I noticed that, during the first couple of seasons, Kate always talked about their faith in God and attending church and how God was so important in their lives. However, during the last few seasons, she didn't mention God as often and, at times, not at all.

It appeared to me that both Jon and Kate began focusing on putting their show first for "the children's future", as she said, and God got pushed to the back burner. It was reported they were getting between $25K and $50K per episode ... money can do terrible things to families who are lacking faith. Even with all of this, she mentioned in an interview that she plans on continuing to do the show because she's her children's "only support". It's just plain sad.

Kristi said...

I feel this show has ruined their family. No amount of money is worth losing your family over. Their kids are really going to resent them for this one day, I fear. I'm glad I don't have satellite anymore. I'd like to just pretend they will forever be the way they were when we first "met" them!